Wednesday, July 14, 2010


       "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places."
[Ephesians 6:10-12]
       "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ."
[II Corinthians 10:3-5]

       "For fearlessness against demons, hold this sign sure: whenever there is any apparition, be not prostrate with fear, but whatsoever it be, first boldly ask 'Who art thou, and from whence comest thou?' And if it should be a vision of holy ones, they will assure you and change your fear into joy. But if the vision should be from the devil, immediately it becomes feeble, beholding your firm purpose of mind."

+ "Beware of the whisperings of the senses. Beware of natural urges. For whatever feels natural or appeals to the senses may indeed be that which poisons you. Nature is a great teacher, but apart from the Scriptures and the Teachings of the Church, the path of nature can become the road to hell. Nature, as well as our senses, has been affected and polluted by sin. The most unnatural feeling occurs when one subdues fleshly passions for the benefit of the soul. While the senses pine for pleasure, the soul hungers for holiness."  -GMK-

       "And the sum of judgment was given unto the Son of Man. And He caused the evil ones to pass away and be destroyed from off the face of the earth, and those who have led the world astray. With chains shall they be bound , and in their assemblage place of destruction shall they be imprisoned; and all their works shall vanish from the face of the earth."      
[Enoch 69:27-28]

+ "There are two types of darkness: demonic darkness, and divine darkness. Demonic darkness is the privation of Holy Light. Divine darkness is the abundance of transcendent Holy Light, in the presence of which the mortal light of intellectual understanding is rendered impotent and thus we are made free to truly experience God. But this is not a reduction to relativism or mere spiritual subjectivity. For the transcendent and divine Holy Light is the most objective reality of all, and apart from this Light we will never really know." -GMK-

       "When the mind, taking refuge in Christ and calling upon Him, stands firm and repels its unseen enemies, like a wild beast facing a pack of hounds from a good position of defense, then it inwardly anticipates their inner ambushes well in advance. Through continually invoking Jesus the Peacemaker against them, the mind remains invulnerable."

+ "Never debate the devil, because you will always lose. Satan is the oldest philosopher. He is a skilled theologian, and a crafty biblical scholar. He is a shrewd lawyer and an artful scientist. Satan is the father of lies, and he masks all of his lies as truth. He will even use the very words of God Himself to deceive us, as he did with the first man and woman in the Garden of Eden.
       The devil will gladly lure us into a biblical debate; and it is naïve, foolish, and arrogant to believe we can win a debate with the diabolical. The proliferation of errant Christian sects and erroneous Evangelical doctrines are the result of well-intentioned people creating their own arrogant interpretations of biblical teaching and divine truth. As he demonstrated in tempting Our Lord in the wilderness, Lucifer is masterful at 'proof-texting.'
       Satan is the author of pride, and he is always manipulating the ego of man for his own insidious purposes. This is why the Teachings and Traditions of the Orthodox Church are vital to success in spiritual warfare. Without the Church, we are vulnerable to Satan's lies and perversions of the Bible. But through the authority of the Church, we are given the proper doctrines and interpretations of God's holy Word. Therefore, we are safeguarded from the demonic errors that result from subjective interpretations that are born from human pride and presumption.
       So, do not debate the devil or his minions. Instead, whenever you encounter false doctrines, evil spirits, or demonic lies, make the sign of the Cross and take refuge in the teachings and doctrines of the Church. For against the Cross of Christ and the Church of Christ, the gates of hell shall not prevail!"  -GMK-

       "Fire makes iron impossible to touch, and likewise frequent prayer renders the mind more forceful in its warfare against the enemy. That is why the demons strive with all their strength to make us slothful in attentiveness to prayer, for they know that prayer is the intellect's invincible weapon against them."

+ "All humans have perceptive and intuitive abilities. And these abilities are hardwired to innate warning signals. We subconsciously tune out much of the spiritual world because we intuitively discern the dangers that lie therein. This is a good thing, because to open ourselves up to the spiritual realm without divine protection is extremely dangerous. Those that presumptuously delve into the realm of angels and demons on their own terms will suffer dearly for this mistake. So tread with caution!" 

       "Let us apply ourselves to our resolve of Christian discipline; and let us not be deceived by these demons that do all things in deceit, even though they threaten death. For they are weak, and they can do no more than threaten."

+ "To attribute all unexplained phenomenon to purely natural causes is as superstitious and narrow-minded as attributing all that is unexplainable to the supernatural. In fact, one will never understand the natural world without a proper spiritual world-view. And one will never gain true spiritual understanding without observing and studying the natural world." -GMK-

       "For through His name shall they be saved; and the Lord of the Spirits will have compassion on them, for His compassion is great. And He is righteous in His judgment, and in the presence of His glory unrighteousness shall not maintain itself. At His judgment the unrepentant shall perish before Him. 'And from henceforth I will have no mercy on them,' saith the Lord of Spirits."     
[Enoch 50:3-5]

"The devil aims to turn a responsibility into a burden, and a challenge into a chore. But the laws and commandments of God are intended for our liberation and peace. The devil is very clever in convincing ostensible spiritual leaders to construct chains out of that which was intended for freedom. Whenever you feel pressure from people, from society, or from the world, know that its source is demonic and not divine. Our Lord said:
       'Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.' [St. Matthew 11:28-30]
       Christ came to liberate us from the weight of the world and the demands of society. And we will never freely serve God as long as we remain slaves to the standards of the world and servants of human opinion." -GMK-

       "And though we fought on earth, we shalll not receive our inheritance on earth, but we have the promises in heaven. And having put off the body which is corrupt, we shall receive it incorrupt."

+ "The three great enemies of man are the world, the flesh, and the devil. But the world and the devil have no power apart from the flesh. Therefore it is good to discipline the flesh and subdue the passions through prayer, fasting, and bodily exercise. For we cannot resist the enticements of the world or the delusions of the devil if we have not first learned to have some control over our own flesh. As Our Lord told His disciples when they asked why they could not cure the demoniac boy, 'This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.' [St. Matthew 17:21]" -GMK-

      "The UFO phenomenon is a sign to Orthodox Christians to walk all the more cautiously and soberly on the path to salvation. The conscious Orthodox Christian knows that man is not to 'evolve' into something 'higher,' nor has he any reason to believe that there are 'highly evolved' beings on other planets; but he knows well that there are indeed 'advanced intelligences' in the universe besides himself: these are of two kinds, and he strives to live so as to dwell with those who serve God (the angels) and to avoid contact with the others who have rejected God and strive in their envy 
and malice to draw man into their misfortune (the demons). He knows that man, out of self-love and weakness, is easily inclined to follow error and believe 'fairy tales' that promise contact with a 'higher state' or 'higher beings' without the struggle of the Christian life- in fact, precisely as an escape from the struggle of Christian life. He distrusts his own ability to see through the deceptions of the demons, and therefore clings all the more firmly to the Scriptural and Patristic guidelines which the Church of Christ provides for his life." 

+ "Most of us ascribe too much power to the devil. We often blame Satan for the sins for which we alone are responsible. It is easier to say, 'The devil made me do it,' than to confess, 'I alone am guilty, and of my own free choosing.'" -GMK- 

       "The prince of demons was bound by the Lord as a sparrow, that we should mock him. And with him are placed the demons his fellows, like serpents and scorpions to be trodden under foot by us Christians. And the proof of this is that we now live opposed to him. For he who threatened to dry the sea abd seize upon the world, behold now cannot resist our ascetic discipline, nor even us speaking against him. Let us then ignore his demonic words, for he is a liar. And let us not fear his visions, seeing that they themselves are deceptive. For that which appears in them is no true light, but they are rather the preludes and likeness of the fire prepared for the demons who attempt to terrify men with those flames in which they themselves will be burned."

+ "Light does not coexist with darkness. Any attempt to mix light with darkness only brings cloudiness, haze, distortion, and confusion. The Light of God came into the world, but the world preferred the darkness. [St. John 3:19] Light will either draw you to it or repel you from it. Light is pleasing to some and offensive to others. Truth is the same. God is the same. But one thing about light is that it will always find you out. A person who closes the blinds and draws the curtains tight doesn't make the sun go away; they only deprive themselves of its benefits. And the Light that is shunned today will become the fire that burns tomorrow." -GMK-

       "There are three chief groups of demons opposing us in the practice of the ascetic life, and after them follows the whole army of the enemy. These three groups fight in the front line, and with impure thoughts seduce our souls into wrongdoing. They are the demons set over the appetites of gluttony, those who suggest to us avaricious thoughts, and those who incite us to seek out esteem in the eyes of men. If you long for pure prayer, keep guard over your anger; and if you desire self-restraint, control your belly and do not be gluttonous. Be vigilant in prayer and avoid all rancour. Let the teachings of the Holy Spirit be always with you; and use the virtues as your hands to knock at the door of Scripture. Then dispassion of heart will arise within you, and during prayer your mind will shine like a star."

+ "The world tugs at us, pulls on us, entices and seduces us. The powers and influences of the world want us to participate in their systems and their ism/schisms. Politicians want to divide us. Entertainment industries want to corrupt us. Educational institutions want to deceive us. And false religions want to control us. The world says, 'Give me your mind, your body, your children, and your very soul. Let me feed you, educate you, entertain you, and enlighten you. (I will in fact brainwash you, poison you, enslave and destroy you!)' This is why St. Paul advised,
       "Be not conformed to the image of this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." [Romans 12:2]   -GMK-

       "And I heard the voices of the four presences as they uttered praises before the Lord of glory. The first voice blesses the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever. And the second voice I heard blessing the Elect One and the elect ones who hang upon the Lord of Spirits. And the third voice I heard pray and intercede for those who dwell on the earth and supplicate in the name of the Lord of Spirits. And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans and forbidding them to come before the Lord of Spirits to accuse them who dwell on the earth. After that I asked the angel of peace who went with me, who showed me everything that is hidden: 'Who are these four presences which I have seen and whose words I have heard and written down?' And he said to me: 'This first is MICHAEL, the merciful and long-suffering; and the second, who is set over all the diseases and the wounds of the children of men, is RAPHAEL; and the third, who is set over all the powers, is GABRIEL; and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto the hope of those who inherit eternal life, is name PHANUEL (URIEL). And these are the four angels of the Lord of Spirits and the four voices I heard in those days."
[Enoch 40:3-10]

+ "They asked me, 'Do you really believe in vampires?'
         I answered:
       'I know they exist. They walk amongst us every day. They disguise themselves as human, but in reality they are houses of demons ensconced in bodies of flesh. But their deeds reveal their true nature. And I observe their evil deeds and recognize them for what they are.'
       So, beware of those that thirst for blood. Beware of those who love war and execution, abortion and euthanasia, and 'scientific research' involving the destruction of human life. Beware of those who devise sophisticated weapons of mass destruction and invent modern methods of cruelty and torture. Beware of those who seek financial profit at the expense of the poor, the needy, and the weak. They may appear human, but they are in actuality 'soulless vampires'."

       "Let us not have thoughts of cowardice in our heart, nor frame fears for ourselves, saying 'I am afraid lest a demon should come and overthrow me; lest he should lift me up and cast me down; or lest risisng against me he should suddenly confound me.' Such thoughts let us not have in mind at all, nor let us be sorrowful as though we were perishing. But rather, let us be courageous and rejoice always, believing that we are safe. Let us consider in our soul that the Lord is with us, Who put the evil spirits to flight and broke their power. Let us consider and take to heart that while the Lord is with us, our foes can do us no hurt."

+ "The Scripture teaches: 'Tolerate not a witch or a sorceress even to live.' [Exodus 22:17] However, in this Christian age of grace we are not to execute violent judgment upon evildoers ourselves. Instead, we have confident knowledge that the unrepentant practitioners of sorcery and witchcraft will taste the holy fire in God's perfect time.
       But, as Orthodox Christians, we have many divine weapons with which we may fight demonism and evil in this day and age. We have the weapons of prayer and the Holy Scriptures. We have the communion and intercession of the Saints departed and the Holy Angels. We have the Holy Sacraments and the Holy Mysteries. We have the protection of the Church, against which the gates of hell shall never prevail. [St. Matthew 16:18] And, above all, we have the Cross of Jesus Christ which defeats all sin, death, and despair, and which provides the ever-present hope for all human beings.
       These things are repugnant to all those who work iniquity, be they evil persons or evil spirits. Their sinister deeds cannot prevail against us when we fight them down with the righteous weapons that are at our disposal. Demons are spiritual entities, and they can only be defeated with spiritual weapons." -GMK-

       "Many have fought in various ways against circumstances; but without prayer and repentance no one can escape evil."

+ "Intuition and perception are only beneficial and constructive when they are guided by discernment. And discernment cannot occur apart from the synthesis of divine spiritual faith, logical analysis, moral character, and ecclesiastical guidance. Seeking to increase one’s intuitive and perceptive abilities by discarding faith, logic, moral judgment, or the Teachings and Traditions of the Church will only open oneself up to the forces of evil and darkness."

       "A person who is not detached from worldly cares can neither love God truly nor hate the devil as he should, for such cares are both a burden and a veil. His mind cannot discern the tribunal which will judge him, neither can it foresee the verdict which will be given at his trial. For all these reasons, then, withdrawal from the world is invaluable."

+ "The original Hebrew language of the Old Testament uses the word 'kashaph' for 'witch.' And Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines 'kashaph' as follows: 'to whisper a spell; to incant or practice magic; sorcery or witchcraft.' This is why the rituals and rites of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church involve vocal prayers, liturgical chants, hymns, and the ringing of bells. Christian righteousness is to be boldly proclaimed and boldly practiced, shattering Satanic surreptitiousness with holy reverberations.
       Truth does not rely upon secrecy and subversion, and truth does not fear. But evil is covert, deceptive, and underhanded. Evil does not want to be found out. The devil and his minions whisper into the hearts and minds of men. And those who seek the devil’s source must use whisperings and hushed incantations, done in dark and clandestine places. Why? Because Satan has already lost! He is eternally defeated! Thus he and his demons tremble at the overt light, love, power, and goodness of the true Christian Faith.
       Demons must hide behind whisperings, charms, and spells, because they are no match for the bold, clear, resurrected power and glory of Jesus Christ and His Truth! The worship and liturgy of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church drives away darkness and deceivers. With loud and joyful praise the Christian proclaims the divine and holy name of Eyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ), and manifestly venerates His Holy Cross. And by doing so, nightmares are turned into dreams of Zion, demons scatter and flee, and the peace that surpasses all understanding settles into the Christian's mind and heart.
       As Psalm 68:4;13 says:
       'Sing unto the Lord. Sing praises to His name. Extol Him who rideth upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him. Shout joyfully unto God, all you on earth; sing of his glorious name; give Him glorious praise.'
       So away with all you who whisper Satanic lies! Away with those of you who practice evil incantations! Away with fortunetellers, sorcerers, and witches!
       'This is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.' [St. John 3:19-21]" -GMK-

       "Doubtless the demons appear; but in a moment they disappear again, hurting none of the faithful, but bringing with them the likeness of that fire which they are about to receive themselves. Therefore it is not fitting that we should fear them on account of these things; for through the grace of Christ all their practices are in vain."

+ "To arm yourself against nightmares, carry the divine name of 'Eyesus Kristos' (Jesus Christ) with you into your sleep. This Holy name will scatter the dark and evil thoughts that at times descend upon you in your dreams. Carry with you each night the certain remembrance that Christ has cleansed you from all sin and rules victorious over Satan at every moment.
       But to call upon Jesus and to be protected by divine redemption, ones must place their complete faith in Him by entering His Church through baptism and availing themselves of the Divine Sacraments. Remember that the Bible teaches that demons themselves believe in Christ: 'Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.' [St. James 2:19] But the demons are doomed because they have no saving faith in Christ, being in eternal rebellion against Him. Demons have knowledge of Christ, but they are enemies of His Church and the Mysteries (Sacraments) are their poison.
       The divine name of Eyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) is holy and sacred. Therefore, ones must not call upon this name irreverently or casually. This name is only powerful for those who are in proper relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ and His Church. The very name of Christ will curse those who use His name in vain. But for true Christians, the name of Jesus is a potent weapon for protection against the forces of darkness and evil. The divine name of Our Lord will indeed negate nightmares and all nefarious spirits.
       One of the most powerful and effective means of invoking Our Lord's name is 'The Jesus Prayer': 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.' This prayer is a staple of Orthodox Christian life- for clergy, monks, and lay people. This prayer finds its precedence most notably in the exclamation of the tax collector, who in juxtaposition to the self-righteous Pharisee cried out, 'Lord have mercy on me a sinner.' [St. Luke 18:13]
       The Orthodox Study Bible states: 'God, be merciful to me a sinner,' is the foundation of the Jesus Prayer, as is the refrain 'Lord have mercy' that permeates our Orthodox worship and personal prayer.' [OSB, commentary on St. Luke 18:13; p. 1402]
       The name of Christ - especially as invoked in the 'The Jesus Prayer' - will chase away demons, evil thoughts, and nightmares. But the divine name of Christ is not a lucky charm or a magical incantation. It is the power of salvation for those who have faith in the Cross and who actively participate in the life of His Church.
       'Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.' [Philippians 2:9-10]" -GMK-

       "You have the promise that in heaven the angels remember you for good before the glory of the Great One, and your names are written before the glory of the Great One. Be hopeful; for aforetime ye were put to shame through ill and affliction, but now ye shall shine as the lights of heaven, ye shall shine and ye shall be seen, and the portals of heaven shall be opened to you. And in your cry for judgement, it shall appear to you; for all your tribulation shall be visited on the rulers of darkness, and on all who assisted those who plundered you. Be hopeful, and cast not away your hope; for ye shall have great joy as the angels of heaven."
[Enoch 104:1-4]

+ "The Psalms provide a powerful arsenal for spiritual warfare. Chanting the Psalms brings comfort to our spirits and tranquility to our minds. The Psalms are a great cure for anxiety and depression. They possess profound philosophical wisdom, and they reveal the riches of theological truth. The Psalms bring healing to the Christian and agony to the devil. This is why the Psalms pervade our Orthodox worship. So, chant the Psalms boldly and often!"


       "There is need of much prayer and discipline, that when a man has received through the Spirit the gift of discerning spirits, he may have power to recognize their characteristics: which of them are less and which of them are more evil; of what nature is the special pursuit of each, and how each of them is overthrown and cast out. For their villainies and their changes of plots are many. The demons, therefore, if they see all Christians - and monks especially - laboring cheerfully and advancing in the Faith, first make an attack by temptations and place hiderances to hamper our way with evil thoughts. But we need not fear their suggestions, for by prayer, fasting, and faith in the Lord their attack immediately fails. But even when it does fail, the demons do not cease attacking but sublty come again. For when they cannot deceive the heart openly with foul pleasures, they approach in different guise; and thenceforth they attempt to strike fear by changing their shapes, taking the forms of women, wild beasts, creeping things, gigantic bodies, and troops of soldiers. But even then ye do not need to fear their deceitful displays. For they are nothing and quickly disappear, especially if a man fortify himself beforehand with faith and the sign of the Cross. Yet they are bold and very shameless; for if thus they are worsted they make an onslaught in a different manner, and pretend to prophesy and tell the future, and to show themselves of great height and breadth, in order that by such displays they might ensnare  those who otherwise could not be deceived by their arguments."

+ "Why are witchcraft and sorcery so strongly condemned in the Bible? [See Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:26, 31; Deuteronomy 18:10-13; Jeremiah 10:2; I Samuel 28; I Chronicles 10:13-14; II Chronicles 33:6; Nahum 3:4; Leviticus 20:6, 27; Micah 5:12; II Kings 23:24; Acts 16:16-18]
       Witchcraft, sorcery, and other magical and occult practices involve the sin of blasphemy. It is blasphemous to seek the spiritual answers of life and death from any metaphysical source that does not come from the One who is Lord over life and death. God has created us, He has sent us his prophets and his Scriptures, and He has provided reconciliation with Him through the redeeming blood of Christ, His Son. He has clearly revealed to mankind everything we need to know regarding our creation, our purpose, and our ultimate fate. So, it is a foolish and profane endeavor to consult the chicanery of demonic 'arts' for any reason.
       And, also beware of that other demonic deception that offers you false promises and false security: money! Money cannot protect you from the day of divine judgment. Money cannot bring you true peace of mind. And the greatest fortune cannot provide you with a satisfied soul. As St. Paul wrote:
       'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greed, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.' [I Timothy 6:10]
       All the vital answers you seek are to be found in the pages of the Holy Writ, at the foot of Calvary's Cross, upon your knees in prayer, and in the Teachings and Traditions of the Orthodox Faith. Look to no other source than Christ and His Church. All other ostensible sources of truth are fallible at best, and demonic at worst." -GMK-

      "When any philosopher - any devout philosopher - fortified with virtue and spiritual knowledge, or with ascetic practice and contemplation, sees the power of evil rising up against him through the passions, like the king of Assyrians risisng up against Hezekiah (cf. 2 Kgs. 18:13-16; Isa 36:1-2), he is aware that only with God's help can he escape. He invokes God's mercy by crying out silently and striving to advance further in virtue and knowledge; and he receives as an ally, or rather as his salvation, an angel, that is, one of the higher principles of wisdom and knowledge, who cuts off 'every mighty man, warrior, leader and commander in the camp' (2 Chr. 32:21)."

+ "Reportedly, there are 'psychic vampires' amongst us. Psychic vampires are actual people who drain the energy and spirit of others. Some of these people may not even be aware that they are psychic vampires, but they seem to thrive on constantly arguing with or berating other people- often even those who are relationally closest to them.
       Have you ever noticed that there are certain people in your life who always leave you feeling discouraged and emotionally drained after spending time with them? There are also claims that some psychic vampires can insinuate themselves into other people's subconscious via astral projection in order to sap their emotional and psychological energy.
       Now, I'm not saying that I subscribe to any of these theories. But I do know that we are constantly battling spiritual forces of darkness and evil that assail us in a variety of ways. That's why St. Paul said, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.' [Ephesians 6:12]
       So, we must guard ourselves against negativity and evil, in whatever forms they manifest themselves. Be it negative people, negative thoughts, negative actions, negative entertainment, or negative philosophies, we must wed ourselves to positivity and righteousness and flee from these demonic assaults. We must renew our minds, strengthen our spirits, and preserve our souls through prayer and fasting, and through participation in the Church and her Sacraments. Evil is more real than we know; and apart from the security of Christ and His Church, no one is invulnerable to it." -GMK-

       "David teaches us to hate the demons 'with perfect hatred' (Psalm 139:22), inasmuch as they are the enemies of our salvation. This hatred is most necessary for the task of acquiring holiness. But who is the man who hates his demonic enemies with perfect hatred? He who no longer sins either in act or in thought. Yet so long as the instruments of our friendship with them - that is to say, the things that provoke the passions - are still present in us, how shall we achieve such hatred against them? For a self-indulgent heart cannot nurture this perfect hatred within itself."

+ "The evil of abortion is as ancient as the fifth fallen angel (i.e. demon), whose name is Kasdeja. It is this filthy demon who '…showed the children of men the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it might pass away.' [Book of Enoch 69:12]
       Thus the act, promotion, encouragement, rationalization, or justification for abortion is an open invitation for this evil demon to enter into your mind and soul. So, beware!"

       "If a man wanting to test his wife's virtue comes to her at night disguised as someone else, and she repels him, he will rejoice at this and welcome the assurance it gives. It is exactly the same with us in relation to the attacks of the evil spirits. Even if you repel the heavenly spirits, they will be gladdened by this, and will help you to participate still further in grace. Because of this proof of your love for the Lord they will fill you brim-full with spiritual delight. So do not from light-mindedness speedily surrender yourself to the visitations of the spirits, even if they are heavenly angels, but be wary, submitting them to the most careful scrutiny. Thus you will welcome the good and repel the evil. In this way you will increase in yourself the workings of grace, which sin, however much it may assume the appearance of good, cannot altogether simulate. According to St. Paul, Satan can even change himself into an angel of light in order to practice his deceptions (cf. 2 Cor. 11:14); yet though he may manifest himself in such a glorious manner, he cannot, as we said, produce within us the effects of grace, and so it becomes quite clear that the vision is counterfiet. For the devil cannot bring about love either for God or for one's neighbor, or gentleness, or humility, or joy, or peace, or equalibrium in one's thoughts, or hatred of the world, or spiritual repose, or desire for celestial things; nor can he quell the passions and sensual pleasure. These thngs are clearly the workings of grace. For the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, and so on (cf. Gal. 5:22), while the devil is most apt in promoting vanity and haughtiness. You may know from its effect whether the intellectual light shining in your soul is from God or from Satan. Indeed, once it has developed its powers of discrimination, the distinction is immediately clear to the soul itself through mental perception. Just as the throat through its sense of taste distinguishes the difference between vinegar and wine, although they look alike, so the soul through its intellectual sense and energy can distinguish the gifts of the Spirit from the fantasies of the devil."

+ "The reason that many people are drawn to New Age philosophies and the occult is because they seek a spirituality that makes no moral demands and requires no personal repentance. But any ostensible spirituality that does not acknowledge and engage the fundamental problem of sin is a counterfeit and demonic spirituality." -GMK-

       "Delusion manifests itself or, rather, attacks and invades us in two ways - in the form of mental images and fantasies or in the form of diabolical influence - though its sole cause and origin is always arrogance. The first form is the origin of the second and the second is the origin of a third form- mental derangement. The first form, illusory visions, is caused by self-conceit; for this leads us to invest the divine with some illusory shape, thus deceiving us through mental images and fantasies. This deception in its turn produces blasphemy as well as the fear induced by monstrous apparitions, occurring both when awake and when asleep - a state described as the terror and perturbation of the soul. Thus arrogance is followed by delusion, delusion by blasphemy, blasphemy by fear, fear by terror, and terror by a derangement of the natural state of the mind."
         -ST. GREGORY of SINAI-

+ "When interpreting our dreams or visions, there are some simple but crucial criteria that will prevent us from being deceived and lured into a satanic trap. First, we must know that any dream or vision from God will never contradict the teachings of His Scriptures or the teachings of His Church. For example, if an 'angel' appears to you in a dream or vision and proclaims to you the specific time of Our Lord's return, do not believe it; for Our Lord declared that no one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven. [St. Mark 13:32] Or, if through a dream you receive an ostensible 'divine revelation' that gives you a new and unique interpretation of sacred scripture, then reject it immediately; for the proper interpretation of Holy Scripture comes only through the Church which God has divinely instituted and established. But on the other hand, if you dream of the Saints worshiping God in heaven or have a vision of an angel that tells you to love your neighbor and forgive your brother, then these are trustworthy things. For these things do not violate the teachings of God's Word or the teachings of God's Church.
       Satan’s minions are prevalent in the world, offering their deceptive services and proffering false answers. Fortune tellers, astrologers, and some secular psychiatrists all claim to be able to interpret your dreams. But God alone holds the answers to mystical questions. And the Lord alone is able to provide man with the spiritual solutions that his soul doth seek. Hear these words from the Book of Daniel:
       "King Nebuchadnezzar asked Daniel, 'Can you tell me the dream I saw and its interpretation?' And Daniel answered before the king and said, 'The mystery which the king demanded to be told to the king cannot be revealed by astrologers, magicians, enchanters, and diviners. But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known what must come to pass in the last days.'" [Daniel 2:26-28]
       And consider the Wisdom of Sirach:
       'Vain hopes and lying belong to a man without understanding, and dreams give wing to senseless men. Like him who grasps after shadows and chases the wind, so is he who pays attention to dreams. The vision of dreams is this against that, the likeness of a face opposite a face. What will be cleansed from an unclean thing? And what will be true from a false thing? Divinations, omens, and dreams are worthless; and like a woman in the pains of childbirth, the heart becomes visible. Unless visions are sent from the Most High in a visitation, do not give your heart to them. For dreams have deceived many, and those who have hoped in them have fallen away.' [Sirach 34:1-7]-GMK- 

       "Wherefore if they pretend to foretell the future, let no one give heed, for often the demons announce beforehand that the brethren are coming days after. And they do come. The demons, however, do this not from any care for the hearers, but to gain their trust, and that then at length, having got them in their power, they may destroy them. Whence we must give no heed to them, but ought rather to confute them when speaking, since we do not need them. For what wonder is it, if with more subtle bodies than men have, when they have seen them start on their journey, they surpass them in speed, and announce their coming? Just as a horseman getting a head start of a man on foot announces the arrival of the latter beforehand, so in this there is no need for us to wonder at them. For they know none of those things which are not yet in existence; but God only is He who knoweth all things before their birth." 
     -ST. ANTHONY of EGYPT- 

+ "If the devil can't have control of our souls, then he will fight to control our minds. And it is through controlling our minds that Satan gains access to our wills. The health of the soul is determined by the strength of the will; so, when the will is impotent, the soul is lost.
       There is a vital correlation between the mind, the will, and the soul. Therefore, the Bible speaks to the importance of preserving and protecting our minds. St. Paul writes:
       'Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.' [Romans 12:2]
       Commentary from The Orthodox Study Bible explains: 'Mind (Greek 'nous') here is more than the intellect; it is the highest form of human nature, encompassing the mind and heart. With this faculty one sees and comprehends God.'
       The apostle St. Paul elsewhere emphasizes: 'Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things.' [Philippians 4:8]
       So, let us strengthen our wills and preserve our souls. Let us do so by fighting to protect our minds from the nefarious inducements of the devil and the insidious influences of this world."

       "If, while you are praying, you feel frightened, or hear some noise, or if a light shines around you, or something else happens, do not be troubled, but concentrate all the more fully on your prayer. Demonic disturbances, alarms and excursions occur so that you will lose heart and give up your prayer; then, if this happens regularly, you will fall into the demons' power. But if as you pray another light, beyond description, appears to you, and your soul is filled with joy, and you feel a desire for higher things, and tears of compunction flow, know that this is a divine visitation and succor. Should this state continue for a long time, recapture you intellect  in case something more happens to you because of the anguish of your tears, and submit it to some physical activity, thereby humbling yourself. If it is your enemies that are trying to frighten you, take care not to abandon your prayer. Be as the child who, frightened by some hobgoblin, dispels his terror by flying into the arms of his mother or father: resort to God through prayer and you will find that you escape the fear which the demons provoke." 

+ "An evil spirit will often appear as an agent of comfort, as a 'spiritual guide,' or as an angel of 'enlightenment.' Those outside of Christ and His Church may unwittingly invite an evil spirit into their lives. The evil spirit may appear to give a person special powers, such as astral projection, remote viewing, the ability to predict the future, ESP, etc. A person separated from Christ and His Church may become intrigued by these things, and thus they will increasingly open themselves up to demonic influences.
       With their own will, a person acquiesces to a 'spiritual' power that is not of God. And, although they are initially deceived, their conscience and their soul nonetheless bear witness to them that this power is demonic rather than divine. If they willfully despise the innate voice of their heart and ignore their conscience, then they can easily become a victim of demonic possession.
       It is important to remember that demonic possession cannot occur without some willful assent on the part of the possessed individual. And therefore, deliverance from demonic possession involves volitional repentance and a volitional acceptance of Christ, the Cross, and true Christian authority.
       The divine gift of free will given to man can never be eradicated- even by demonic possession. But it can be severely crippled. Yet, even within the demonically possessed individual, the power of volition remains latent, dormant, and able to be activated through repentance and faith. Satan and his minions can influence the will, but they have no power to destroy the will."-GMK-

       "There is within us, on the noetic plane (i.e. the mind), a warfare tougher than that on the plane of the senses. The spiritual worker has to press on with his mind towards the goal (cf. Phil. 3:14), in order to enshrine perfectly the remembrance of God in his heart like some pearl or precious stone (cf. mtt. 13:44-46). He has to give up everything, including the body, and to disdain this present life, if he wishes to possess God alone in his heart. For the noetic vision of God, the divine Chrysostom (St. John Chrysostom) has said, can by itself destroy the demonic spirits."

+ "'A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign.' [St. Matthew 12:39]
       King Saul sought an answer from God, but he did not receive it immediately. So, out of a lack of faith, Saul turned to an alternative 'spiritual' source. He sought an answer from the witch of Endor, and he suffered greatly because of this grievous error.
       In contrast to Saul, King David never sought spiritual answers apart from the God of all creation. Often, David's prayers were full of lament. At times, his prayers were simply questions raised from agony and frustration. The Psalms of David reveal a broken heart and a troubled spirit poured out before the Lord. 'Why do the righteous suffer while the wicked seem to flourish?' 'Why is divine justice apparently delayed?' 'Where are You leading me, God? And, what will be my fate?' These are the existential questions and the spiritual angst with which David constantly wrestled. But although David sometimes doubted God's presence and purpose, he nevertheless maintained faith in His divine providence and goodness. He continued to seek God in prayer, even through tears of pain and anguish.
       Satan is readily available to give us 'signs,' 'solutions,' and 'answers.' He will present himself as an angel of light, enticing us with false promises and luring us into his nefarious trap. Astrology, fortune telling, tarot cards, crystal balls, and all other accoutrements of the occult are false sources of spiritual guidance. And when God seems distant, and our prayers appear to go unanswered, the devil lays his deceptive enticements before us. 'I have an immediate answer.' 'I can make you feel better.' 'Why should you keep suffering when you can feel good now?' These are the lies with which he confronts us, and they are powerful lies indeed.
       But faith is tested in times of struggle and doubt. And faith means trusting God in the midst of pain and confusion. It means trusting God in times of trial and tribulation. It means believing God in the midst of our unanswered questions. Faith means continuing to pray, even when our prayers seem to go unanswered. Faith is forsaking the temporal assuagements of the flesh, in order to preserve and strengthen our souls.
       Saul lacked faith, and he turned to ungodly sources for answers and solutions. But David had faith, and he understood that the only real solution to life’s problems is to seek God more deeply and to obey Him more fully.
       'Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.' [Hebrews 11:6]
       Sometimes the greatest act of faith is simply crying out to God through our tears, proclaiming with the father of the demon possessed boy, 'Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.' [St. Mark 9:24] -GMK-

       "Leave behind the senses and the operations of the intellect, and all things sensible and intellectual, and all things in the world of being and non-being, that thou mayest arise by unknowing towards the union, as far as is attainable, with 'Him who transcends all being and knowledge.'
       But these things are not to be disclosed to the uninitiated, by whom I mean those attached to the objects of human thought, and who believe there is no superessential Reality beyond, and who imagine that by their own understanding they know Him who has made Darkness His secret place."

+ "New Age philosophy, parapsychology, and many forms of Eastern mysticism are based on the idea that the mind or the psyche must be liberated from all forms of attachment. Enlightenment is therefore viewed as total liberation from any material, rational, or emotional adhesion. It is presumed that when 'enlightenment' is attained then peace is the result, because the enlightened individual no longer experiences the tumult of the passions, pleasures, and anxieties that often accompany various forms attachment.
       But the fallacy of this worldview is that by condemning attachment it condemns God- because God's creation and design is good, in spite of the imperfections due to the fall of man. God has ordained relationship, and relationship is meaningless without attachment. We have been created to relate to the natural and physical world, to relate to our social environment, and to relate to our fellow man. And it is through relationship and attachment - and all the accompanying pains and pleasures - that we truly learn about ourselves and learn about our God. We will never experience God by detaching ourselves from the glories of His creation. And we will never attain peace by severing ourselves from all relationships.
       But we must not confuse attachment with bondage, or relationship with idolatry. We are dwellers in God's creation, but we are not to worship the creation. We are to serve and honor our fellow man, but we are not to worship or become enslaved to our fellow man. We must neither detach ourselves from logic, emotion, and the material world, nor allow these things to master us. True spiritual enlightenment is not emptying ourselves of all thought, emotion, and desire. Instead, it is the result of conforming all of our thoughts, emotions, and desires to the divine will. For God created us with mind, heart, and will; and true spiritual liberation results from the righteous application of these blessed human faculties.
     True spirituality is attaching ourselves to God, His Church, His commandments and laws, and to the service of our community and our fellow man. Detaching ourselves from these things will not lead to enlightenment; it will only lead to an isolated loneliness of darkness and despair." -GMK-

       "The angels are ordained to serve the Creator effectively and their appointed role is to be ruled by God. But they are not appointed to rule over beings inferior to themselves unless they are sent to do so by the Soveriegn Ruler of all. Yet satan presumptuously yearned to rule contrary to the will of the Creator, and when together with his fellow apostate angels he forsook his proper rank he was rightly abandoned by the true Source of life and illumination and clothed himself in death and eternal darkness. But because man was appointed not merely to be ruled by God but also to rule over all creatures upon the earth, the arch-fiend looked upon him with malicious eyes and made use of every ploy to deprive him of his dominion. Being unable to use constraint, since he is prevented from doing so by the Sovereign Ruler who created all intelligent nature free and self-determining, he deceitfully suggested such counsel as would abolish man's dominion. He beguiled him or, rather, persuaded him to disregard, disdain and reject, and indeed to oppose and to act contrary to the commandment and counsel given him by God. In this way he induced man to share in his apostasy, and so to share also in his state of eternal darkness and death."

+ "The physical world is ensconced in a spiritual realm. The spirits surround us at all times- angels and demons. Their numbers, hierarchy, nature, and distinctions are beyond the grasp of mortal comprehension. We know much about them from the Holy Bible, especially the Book of Enoch*. And St. Dionysius the Areopagite** has given us valuable information in his work The Celestial Hierarchy. But a mere academic knowledge of spiritual matters is not only insufficient, it is also dangerous. Thus, as Christians, it is imperative that we avail ourselves of the spiritual shields provided to us by God. These spiritual protections are prayer, fasting, fellowship, worship, the Holy Bible, the sign of the Cross, holy icons, and the holy Sacraments***. But these safeguards are only efficacious within the proper ecclesiastical context. And we will not be able to accurately discern the spirits unless we are in right communion with God's true Church. "
*Book of Enoch- The Book of Enoch is included in the biblical canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It is one of the most important books in early Christianity, used widely by the early Christians. It predates everything in the New Testament, having been written in the second century B.C. One of the primary influences of the book is its explanation of evil entering into the world through the arrival of the fallen angels. Scholars attest that the influence of the Book of Enoch on the New Testament is greater than that of all other apocryphal and pseudo-epigraphic books combined. This sacred text discloses the reality of the supernatural realm, as well as the reality of metaphysical visions and visitations.
**St. Dionysius the Areopagite- Dionysius the Areopagite was one of the few Greek philosophers who responded to St. Paul's preaching in Athens and was baptized by the Apostle. [See Acts 17:34] Prior to his baptism, Dionysius was raised in nobility in the city of Athens, where he was schooled in philosophy. After his conversion to the True Faith, St. Paul made him Bishop of Athens. He was eventually martyred by beheading under Emperor Domitian in 96 A.D. Four theological works are attributed to Dionysius: The Divine Names, Mystical Theology, The Celestial Hierarchy, and The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy.
***Sacraments- There are five sacraments for all Orthodox Christians: Baptism, Chrismation, Penance, Holy Communion, and Divine Unction. The other two sacraments are for some believers, but obviously not for all; these are Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony.

       "It is a good bodily discipline to recite the Psalms- that is to say, in prayer expressed in a bodily way through Psalms and prostrations. This is in order to gall the body and humble the soul, so that our enemies the demons may take flight and our allies the angels come to us, and we may know from where we receive help. Otherwise in ignorance we may grow arrogant, thinking that what we do is due to ourselves."

+ "There is only one foolproof and unerring protection from the metaphysical forces of evil and darkness. The simple formula is this: repentance from sin, faith in Christ, and participation in the sacramental life of His Church." -GMK-

       "The single-phrased Jesus Prayer - 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner' - destroys and consumes the deceits of demons. For when we invoke Jesus, God and Son of God, constantly and tirelessly, He does not allow them to project in the mind's mirror even the first hint of their infiltration - that is to say, their provocation - or any form, nor does He allow them to have any converse with the heart. If no demonic form enters the heart, it will be empty of evil thoughts, as we have said; for it is the demons' habit to converse with the soul by means of evil thoughts and so deceitfully to pervert it."

+ "The spirit of Antichrist is ever on the rise. This spirit is not new, by any means; but this spirit delivers its age-old lies in contemporary packaging so that people are deceived into believing they are actually embracing revolutionary solutions to human ills.
       The spirit of Antichrist masquerades as a spirit of 'unity,' 'brotherhood,' and 'peace.' The spirit of Antichrist preys upon three basic human instincts and desires: 1) the material instinct (i.e. the desire to be fed, clothed, sheltered, and physically nurtured); 2) the community instinct (i.e. the desire to have peace and unity with our fellow man); and 3) the amoral instinct (i.e. the desire to be rid of the angst of conscience and the dilemma of moral decision).
       Thus the Antichrist spirit is ubiquitously active in the agendas of rulers and states. Political theories and political leaders are always concerned with unifying the people, providing for the people, and making laws that determine for the people what is right and wrong. And the undiscerning masses conveniently ignore the atrocities that must be committed in order to insure that they are fed, unified, and free from the agonizing responsibility of moral choice.
      The Nazi holocaust, slavery, and legalized abortion all exemplify the spirit of Antichrist working through rulers and states to seduce the people and anesthetize their souls. And this evil spirit will soon manifest into the very person of Antichrist himself. This Antichrist will perhaps be hailed by many as the great peacemaker, the great unifier, and the great eradicator of prejudice and war. In fact, the Antichrist may indeed bring a temporary end to war between nations and appear to end world hunger. Because of these things, many will idolatrously worship this person as Christ Himself.
       But the Antichrist's environment of peace will be predicated upon the murder of true Christians and the silencing of all who speak out against immorality and wickedness; for he will convince the masses that the greatest threat to world peace is the 'intolerance' of those that promote Christian morality. The antichrist may in fact bring about a superficial unity of races and cultures, but this 'unity' will be based upon the lie that every ideology and every worldview has equal validity. Those who claim to know absolute Truth will be condemned as the greatest threat to human unity, and thus they will be persecuted, tortured, or killed in the name of the preservation of 'peace,' 'brotherhood,' and 'human progress.'
       But the world of the Antichrist will merely be a more complete manifestation of the evil schemes that mankind has concocted for the past seven thousand years of its existence. Lost and deceived humanity will revel in the Antichrist's system as something 'new' and 'revolutionary.' But this New World Order will be based upon lies as old and as insidious as that ancient serpent who whispered into the heart of Eve, and it will easily ensnare the weak in its diabolic trap.
      The words of Dostoevsky's 'Grand Inquisitor' prophetically portray the mentality of the antichrist and his minions:
       'They will find us and cry to us, 'Feed us, for those who have promised us fire from heaven haven't given it!' And then we shall finish building their tower, for he finishes the building who feeds them. And we alone shall feed them in thy name, declaring falsely that it is Thy name. Oh, never, never can they feed themselves without us! No science will give them bread so long as they remain free. In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.' They will understand, at last, that freedom and bread enough for all are inconceivable together, for never, never will they be able to share between them! They will be convinced, too, that they can never be free, for they are weak, vicious, worthless and rebellious. Thou didst promise them the bread of Heaven; but, I repeat again, can it compare with earthly bread in the eyes of the weak, ever sinful and ignoble race of man?'
       So do not be captivated by the spurious schemes of Satan, for as King Solomon said:
       'What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done. There is nothing new under the sun. Who will speak and say, 'See, this is new'? For it has already been in the ages that have passed before us.' [Ecclesiastes 1:9]

      "He stayed in the wilderness as a fasting man, was tempted by the devil and He degraded the rulers of darkness through the power of His divinity."

+ "It would be utter foolishness to argue with the devil about the existence of God. Satan knows better than any mortal creature that God exists; so, why would I waste my time arguing with the devil's human surrogates?"  -GMK-

       "When demons come by night to you and wish to tell the future, or say 'we are angels,' give no heed, for they lie. Yea, even if they praise your discipline and call you blessed, hear them not, and have no dealings with them; but rather sign yourselves and your houses, and pray, and you shall see them vanish. For they are cowards, and they greatly fear the sign of the Lord's Cross, since of a truth in the Cross the Saviour stripped them, and made an example of them."

+ "Deception only occurs with the acquiescence of the one who is deceived. The serpent was cunning, slick, beguiling, and deceptive; but Eve willingly listened to his lies, and therefore she was guilty. The deceived are not innocent, for by their own choosing they allow themselves to be misled.
       No one can be hypnotized against their will; they voluntarily undergo hypnosis. Nobody can be deceived by a magician unless they willingly desire to be entertained by the magic show. Similarly, no one can be duped by politicians or deceived by evildoers apart from the volition of their own free will. Therefore, it is no excuse to say, 'I was deceived.'
       God has given His commandments, sent His prophets, provided the salvation of Christ and the Cross, and revealed His natural and written revelations to mankind. Every thought, word, action, and deed of man must be appraised in the light of God's Truth. If we do this, then we will not be deceived. But if, like Eve, we turn aside from the word and direction of God and willingly listen to the cunning lies of Satan, then we will surely be led astray. And we will surely pay the price.
       Society mesmerizes us in a variety of ways. Politics, entertainment, drugs, astrology, the occult, false religion, and pornography can all have a hypnotic effect on us if we allow them to. We can be easily enticed by these things, and subsequently we can become morally and spiritually anesthetized. Our consciences can be numbed, and our spiritual perception can become clouded. And when our moral and spiritual faculties are weakened, then we become susceptible to demonic possession and spiritual suicide.
        If you don't want to be brainwashed, then don't submit to hypnosis. If you don't want to be tricked, then don't watch the magician. If you don't want to be deceived and disappointed, then avoid politics. And if you don't want to be damned, then heed the Word of the Lord, not the voice of Satan.
       Christians must be especially wary of listening to unorthodox voices of 'biblical reasoning.' Satan has always twisted the words of God to mislead and deceive humanity. Many professed Christians allow themselves to be deceived by false spiritual leaders that give an interpretation of the Bible that is unorthodox and contrary to the Teachings and Traditions of the Church. This is why dangerous cults and erroneous sects arise and lead so many astray.
       If Satan cannot succeed in causing men to deny God, then he will seek to undermine their faith with false teachings and demonic doctrines. If we arrogantly assume that we can fully understand divine Truth apart from the Church that has been divinely instituted to disseminate that Truth, then we will be held responsible for our own deception. So let us not foolishly choose to be deceived, as did Eve. Rather let us choose instead to listen only to the true voice of God, as did Our Lady the Virgin St. Mary." -GMK-

       "The fear of God compels us to fight against evil; and when we fight against evil, the grace of God destroys it."
        -ST. MARK the ASCETIC-

+ "True spiritual freedom is the result of our dependence upon God and our connection to our fellow man. Those who seek to be completely self-sufficient, totally independent, and absolutely free may ironically find themselves to be the slaves of satanic forces." -GMK-

       "The demons try to undermine your inward resolution by buffeting your soul with an untold variety of temptations. Yet out of these many tribulations a garland is woven for you; Christ's power 'comes to its fullness in us in our weakness' (2 Cor. 12:9). It is usually when our situation is most gloomy that the grace of the Spirit flowers within us. 'Light has shone in darkness for the righteous' (Ps. 112:4) - if, that is, 'we hold fast to our confidence and the rejoicing of our hope firmly to the end.' (Heb. 3:6)."

+ "The devil will gladly indulge your temporal desires. In fact, he is not even opposed to helping you achieve a façade of inner peace. Many people have encountered 'spirit guides' that offer them unique psychic powers and promise to provide them with esoteric insights. And these 'spirit guides' usually deliver on their beguiling promises. The world is full of spiritual seekers that are actually in rebellion against God, and demonic forces disguise themselves as angels of light in order to appease their misguided spiritual curiosities. These evil entities promise serenity, success, personal power, and many other individual benefits. Preying upon human beings' naïveté, desperation, and rebellion against Christ, demonic forces gladly offer their subversive services to lost individuals.
       So, we must understand that true spiritual power is revealed in the mundane aspects of daily life. Being faithful to friends and family, demonstrating integrity in the workplace, forsaking temptation, serving our neighbor and our community, speaking the truth even when it is unpopular, praying faithfully, and reading the Bible on a consistent basis - these are the things that require and disclose true spiritual power. They are not always accompanied by feelings of pleasure or mystical ecstasy, but they cannot be achieved without divine help and guidance. And a faithful, honest, and morally sound life is the only thing that will bring true inner peace and true spiritual rewards." -GMK-

       "Whenever the soul remains fearful there is a presence of the demonic enemies. For the demons do not take away the fear of their presence as the great archangel Gabriel did for Mary and Zacharias, and as the angel did who appeared to the women at the tomb; but rather whenever they see men afraid they increase their delusions that men may be terrified the more; and at last attacking they mock them, saying, 'fall down and worship.' Thus they deceived the Greeks, and thus by them they were considered gods, falsely so called."
       -ST. ANTHONY of EGYPT- 

+ "To effectively fight evil, we must first properly identify it. And all evil is in reality sin. So if we truly want to wage war against evil, then we must wage war against sin. And the most important battle in this war is the battle against the sin in our own lives. We will never be able to fight evil in the world unless we first address the evil that lies within." -GMK-

       "The demons cunningly withdraw for a time in the hope that we will cease to guard our heart, thinking we have now attained peace; then they suddenly attack our soul and seize it like a sparrow. Gaining possession of it, they drag it down mercilessly into all kinds of sin, worse than those which we have already committed and for which we have asked forgiveness. Let us stand, therefore, with fear of God and keep guard over our hearts, practicing the virtues which check the wickedness of our enemies."

+ "Do not think that because wars cease, the hungry are fed, and unity appears to exist among men, that the peace of Christ has prevailed. It may in fact be that these conditions will only exist in the vacuum of true Christian faith. The age of Antichrist will be a wondrous age indeed, but it will not be a Christian age." -GMK-

       "God deserts those engaged in spiritual warfare for three reasons: because of their arrogance, because they criticize others, and because they are puffed up about their own virtue. The presence of any of these vices in the soul prompts God to withdraw; and until they are expelled and replaced by radical humility, the soul will not escape just chastisement."

+ "St. Ignatius of Loyola once received some excited visitors that reported seeing a holy man who radiated a supernatural glow and levitated three feet off the ground. 'He must be a great saint!' they said. 'Perhaps,' replied St. Ignatius. 'Tell me, how does he treat his wife? What do his children say about him?'
       We know that the Antichrist will perform many supernatural signs and wonders [II Thessalonians 2:9]. So, in discerning the source of supernatural spiritual phenomena, we should look at the works and deeds of individuals who manifest such things. Righteous character and altruistic actions are more indicative of the divine presence than supernatural feats." -GMK-

       "If the demons find us faint-hearted and cowardly, they mightily increase our terror by their delusions and threats; and with these the unhappy soul is thenceforth tormented. But if they see us rejoicing in the Lord, contemplating the bliss of the future, mindful of the Lord, deeming all things in His hand, and that no evil spirit has any strength against the Christian, nor any power at all over anyone - when they behold the soul fortified with these thoughts - they are discomfitted and repelled backwards."
      -ST. ANTHONY of EGYPT-

+ "I have lost many battles, and I may lose many more. But by His Cross I shall win the war!" -GMK-

+ "The devil and his surrogates will lure us into discussions and debates about religion or spirituality. As Orthodox Christians we must stand firm in our proclamation of the Teaching and Truths of the Church. The devil will always outsmart us, be we can defeat him with wisdom. And wisdom dictates that it is better to lose the argument but win our souls."

       "Do not rejoice in this, that the demons are subject to you, but rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
[St. Luke 10:20]


Besime Ab, WeWolde, WeMenfesQidus, Ahadu Amlak
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God


  1. Give thanks for wisdom shared in the above quotations and reasoning.

    Proverbs 8:11 "For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her."

  2. how can I get this book in pdf? Its nice to share among other brothers !
